Max Webster Guestbook

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Viewing messages 96 to 100.
Chelsea Birks
"Sounds" ARE good. Revisiting, however, that period, cannot hurt a person. This can improve the quality of goods produced - in that age.
24 April 2021 - Forest Hill, Toronto

call me jim |
This is cool.i've loved Max since '79.Surerly the worlds most overlooked band.Great site.
21 April 2021 - UK

Airwave Tyrant
I'm glad someone, is keeping alive the memory of probably one of canada's most important bands. Excellent site!
16 April 2021 - Hamilton Ont Canada

Son of Spam
After all these years, I STILL don't know where the name "Max Webster" comes from. If anybody has any ideas, please reply to this thread. Thanks!

13 April 2021 - Mississaussage, Ontario

Scott,this is a great tribute to Max Webster,It all started for me back in Buffalo ,in 1977 at the century Theater,opening for Rush,heard "O WAR",and have been a loyal fan eversince.
12 April 2021 - Buffalo,N.Y.

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